Things I've Made
Check out the highlights of my coding adventures: the projects that stand out in my memory and portfolio. They're all labors of love, and many are open-source. If you're curious, take a look at the code, and let's collaborate to make something even better.
DDK: Diadochokinetic Assess
A simple, intuitive diagnostic tool that’s designed by and built for Speech Language Pathologists (SLPs)
This website! A personal website to showcase my work and projects.
CVHS Wildcats
An up to date, live calendar to tell you what classes to join at different points of the day. A customizable course schedule updated in real time across all devices.
Research: CS Genome Project
I am involved with the Computer Systems Genome Project at Virginia Tech. CSG is the first scientific effort to catalog the lineage of computer system performance over time. My contributions to the team are Hidden Figures and Crowdsourcing features.
E-Ball Check In
Custom ticket management system and check-in system for the SEC Engineers' Ball, a formal dance hosted by the Virginia Tech Student Engineers' Council.